Scanning VirusTotal's firehose

· 584 words · 3 minute read

Let’s say one of your adversaries is known for using a given malware family, custom or off-the shelf. Even if the coverage is biased and limited, samples on VirusTotal (VT) are the low-hanging fruits that keep on giving.

At $WORK, we are lucky to have access to the Virus Total feeds/file API. This API endpoint is the firehose of VirusTotal: it allows downloading each sample submitted to VT in pseudo-real-time. The feed is unfiltered (we are not talking about VT’s LiveHunt feature) so the volume is HUGE.

We set the crazy objective to extract and push IOC in real-time for a given malware family submitted to VirusTotal. For this blog post, as an example, we will focus on Cobalt Strike.

The steps are:

Steps to scan VT

  1. Download each sample submitted
  2. Apply Yara rules matching the malware families we are interested in
  3. Automatically extract C2 configuration
  4. Disseminate IOC

Initially, we used our on-premises infrastructure with 2-3 servers. Quickly, the operational maintenance killed us:

  • Our Celery cluster was regularly KO.
  • Everything had to be very carefully tuned (memory limits, batch size, timeout, retries), we were constantly juggling with the balance between completeness, stability, and speed.
  • Adding an under-performing Yara rule could break the platform.
  • It was also not a good use of our computing resources as VT’s activity is not evenly spread across the day: our servers were under-used most of the day while overloaded during the peaks.

Going Serverless 🔗

Taking a step back, it jumped out at us that this was a textbook example for a Serverless architecture. It was easy to refactor our on-prem code into self-contained functions and glue them together with Amazon SQS:

AWS Serverless Architecture for scanning VirusTotal feed

The platform has been running smoothly for 18 months, and from an operational point of view, we love it:

  • The scalability of the platform allowed us to not mind anymore about the performance of each rule: we can add our Yara rules quite freely instead of cherry-picking and evaluating carefully each addition.
  • SQS handles the whole retry mechanism.
  • Adding a new dissector is as easy as plugging a new Lambda function to the Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) topic.
  • Everything is decoupled, it is easy to update one part without touching the rest.
  • Each new release of libyara increases its performance and it is directly correlated to the execution duration’s average.
  • Everything is instrumented, we learned to love the AWS Monitoring Console.

Performance Stats 🔗

For those who like numbers, here is a screenshot of the activity of the last 6 months:

Invocations, duration, concurrent execs, and error rate

On average:

  • A batch of samples is scanned in less than 30s
  • There are always 45 Lambda functions running at any given time
  • 97% of the executions are successful
  • We send 150 samples per minute (before deduplication) to dissectors

CobaltStrike 🔗

Mailbox full of BEACONs

We are using CobaltStrikeParser from Sentinel One to parse the beacons, then we are sending the JSON output to our Splunk instance.

There are two uses of this data:

  • Threat Hunting: tracking some Threat Actors
  • Proactive protection: adding proactively the IOC to a watchlist in our scope

For Threat Hunting perspectives, we implement alerting for things like:

  • Specific watermark identifiers
  • Patterns in the C2 domain
  • Non-standard values for some fields
  • Use of some options or specific malleable profile

Regarding proactive Defense, there is currently no automatic pipeline to push the IOC into a WatchList/DenyList for one reason: it is not uncommon to see trolling BEACONs using legitimate and “assumed safe” domains. To mitigate that, we plan to have a kind of Slack/Mattermost bot that will make us approve each entry seamlessly.