Using Nix to setup a reproducible forensics environment

ยท 1398 words ยท 7 minute read

Summary ๐Ÿ”—

How we use Nix to create a reproducible forensics analysis environment, and how it differs from more traditional methods, such as Docker or manual package installation. We will highlight the challenges of maintaining consistent setups across different machines and analysts, and how we used Nix to fix that. As a bonus, Nix allows us to transfer our forensics environment to untrusted machines easily.

We published our environment in nix-forensics: Try it!

Problem statement ๐Ÿ”—

  • If, tomorrow, you lose your laptop, how long will it take for you to rebuild your whole forensics analysis environment?
  • When two analysts work on the same case, are you sure they are using the same version of any tool?
  • Do you have the ability to instantiate a beefy EC2 with all your forensics tools ready to use?
  • Are you sure all patches or features you had to your toolbox are known to you and tracked?

If the answer to one of these questions is no, this post is for you!

Historically, analysts were expected to figure out by themselves how to install all the tools in our toolbox: this means battling with Python versions, relying on package maintainers to keep packages up to date, and sometimes having to maintain local builds of lesser-known applications. This led to a “works on my machine” mentality which made it more difficult to switch computers or temporarily move our analysis environment to remote machines.

For years, we have tried many options:

  • A Dockerfile but working inside a Docker container is painful when you need to handle FUSE mount points. And describing a 100% reproducible environment in a Dockerfile is a challenge in the long term.
  • A magic script executing git/virtualenv/go/rust install, “procedural style”.
  • Using ansible recipes to become declarative.
  • Packer+Ansible to build Vmware/Qemu images

But all these initiatives failed, mainly for the same reasons: They all rely on the “intelligence” of the package manager, which can be good enough if all tools are available as Debian package (which is unrealistic). And forget about doing any modification (patch or feature) or you will become a full time distribution maintainer.

So, time to level up!

Nix, it is not a cult ๐Ÿ”—

In parallel, several members of the team had been experimenting with Nix, for various reasons: some to automate their development environment, others as a way to access packages not available in their distro’s repositories. Nix, in a nutshell, is a package manager whose build files are written in a functional language.

nixpkgs is the biggest packages collection available, despite being barely known. Nix is available on all platforms: Linux, Mac, Windows (via WSL for the moment).

Installing Nix is not a one-way process: It will work independently from your system, only operating in /nix and nothing else, it will not mess in any way with your regular operating system. So there is no risk trying it!

As a result, we worked on a solution using Nix to automatically setup all the tools we were used to in an isolated environment (using nix-shell). This meant having to write derivations (Nix packages) for most of our internal tools, finding ways to handle private repositories, and making sure various Python versions did not step over each other.

See it in practice ๐Ÿ”—

We have published a public version of our forensics environment on our Github:

To use it, it is as simple as:

  1. Install Nix using the Determinate Systems installer
  2. Clone our repository
  3. Enter the directory, launch nix-shell, wait a bit for the first time
  4. Done, all tools are available in your $PATH!
$ git clone
$ cd nix-forensics
$ nix-shell
[nix-shell:~/nix-forensics-public]$ regrippy  --list|head
- auditpol(SECURITY): Get the advanced security audit policy settings
- compname(SYSTEM): Returns the computer name
- env(['SYSTEM', 'SOFTWARE', 'NTUSER.DAT']): Lists all environment variables
- filedialogmru(NTUSER.DAT): Reads OpenSaveMRU and LastVisitedMRU keys
- gpo(['SOFTWARE', 'NTUSER.DAT']): list all GPOs applied on this system
- kb(SOFTWARE): get all KB update installation status

This blog post will attempt to show how we organized our environment, and how we overcame the various issues faced during development.

Basic organization ๐Ÿ”—

The environment is developed in its own Git repository, composed mostly of Nix files. A default.nix file references most of our custom derivations (stored in a pkgs/ directory), and a shell.nix file uses these derivations to build a shell containing all the tools we want.

$ tree .
โ”œโ”€โ”€ pkgs
โ”‚ย ย  โ””โ”€โ”€ regrippy.nix
โ”œโ”€โ”€ default.nix
โ””โ”€โ”€ shell.nix
# default.nix
{ pkgs ? (import (fetchTarball "") {})}:
with pkgs;
    regrippy = callPackage ./pkgs/regrippy.nix {};
# shell.nix
  pkgs = import (fetchTarball "") {};
  my = import ./default.nix { inherit pkgs; };
pkgs.mkShell {
  packages = with pkgs; [
  ] ++ [

This way, we can write our own package derivations while still enjoying the derivations already written in nixpkgs. This environment can be copied as-is to any machine with Nix installed and rebuilt with a simple invocation of nix-shell.

Exporting our forensics environment as a Docker image ๐Ÿ”—

Once we have a working nix-shell environment, we can use it for various stuff other than just entering it with the nix-shell command. For example, it becomes easy to build a Docker image containing your environment already pre-configured: simply use the dockerTools.buildNixShellImage function to automatically generate it.

# docker.nix
{ dockerTools
, nixShell
dockerTools.buildNixShellImage {
    drv = nixShell;
# default.nix
{ pkgs ? ... }:
with pkgs;
    regrippy = ...;

    docker = pkgs.callPackage ./docker.nix { nixShell = import ./shell.nix {} };
$ nix-build . -A docker
$ docker load < result

Using an environment with private packages on an external machine ๐Ÿ”—

As long as your custom derivations only fetch their sources from publicly-available repositories, you’re good to go: you can simply copy your Nix files somewhere else and run nix-shell, and it will work. However, if your derivations depend on code that’s hosted on a private forge, you might run into issues when trying to build them: your forensics machine might not have access to the private repositories (for example, when using an AWS EC2 to work on big, long-running analyses).

Thankfully, there’s a program in the Nix toolbox which can solve this issue: nix-copy-closure. This program will copy the Nix store path you give it to a remote machine, as well as every other store path it depends on. Copying is done through SSH, and the remote user must be part of Nix’s trusted users, because the command will send the store paths as unsigned Nix Archives (NARs), which require special rights to import.

This means that you can copy over the entirety of your shell using these two commands:

$ nix-build shell.nix
$ nix-copy-closure --to --use-substitutes --gzip /nix/store/<nix-hash>-nix-shell

The --use-substitutes argument will make sure that all derivations which can be fetched from are fetched from there and not copied through the SSH link (because their bandwidth is probably better than yours).

We’re also compressing the archives with GZip: NARs are basically a concatenation of all files in a Nix store path (see Figure 5.2 in the Nix paper), so they can get pretty huge, but also benefit strongly from compression.

Finally, we need a way to setup the environment in the remote machine (i.e. “enter” the shell). In order to do that, we can run the export command in a nix-shell instance on the host, note down the contents of the PATH variable (and other useful environment variables) and apply them on the remote machine. Because the Nix store paths are the same, you end up in the same environment as if you ran nix-shell on the remote machine.

We’re using the following script:

cat <<EOF | ssh $to -- "cat > $REMOTE_SCRIPT_PATH"
#!/usr/bin/env bash

$(nix-shell --pure --run 'export' | grep -F -e 'declare -x PATH=' -e 'declare -x PYTHONPATH=' -e 'declare -x PERL5LIB=')

export PATH="\$p:\$PATH"
export PS1="\[\033[00;32m\][\u@nix-shell:\w]\\\$ \[\033[00m\]"

bash --noprofile --norc -i

This will create a file on the remote machine which spawns a new Bash instance with the same path environment variables as on your host. We’re using nix-shell --pure to only keep environment variables that are actually set by nix-shell (by default, nix-shell merges your env with the nix-shell’s), and writing them as-is in the remote script. We’re also making sure we only append the nix-shell paths to the existing variables, this way the remote user can keep using their tools while in the environment.